
  • Current exhibition


    The dish is banal: a round, a square or a rectangle, smooth, without the slightest relief to catch the eye. The dish is flatness incarnate... Except!... Except when a certain Bernard Palissy puts his feet and hands into it to fill it with snakes, salamanders, leaves and other elements of nature making it unusable but oh how decorative.
    In the 21st century Geoffrey Luff continues the work of the famous Renaissance potter.

    In the 1950s, Claude and Slavik Palley in turn expressed their vision of a world of poetry and sensitivity.

    Twelve contemporary ceramists: Christian Bourcereau, Edouardo Constantino, François Debien, Michel Gardelle, Louise Gardelle, Jean-Nicolas Gérard, Josselin Métivier, Nathalie Montarou, Isabelle Pammachius, Stéphanie Raymond, Patrick Rollet, Hervé Rousseau were invited to look at this object of everyday life and to exhibit their works at the Bernard-Palissy museum. And the dishes are everything... except dishes! Receptacles capturing light, they are a universe that offers itself to the plastic expression of artists and their chimeras.

    Figurative, abstract or “pareidolic”, crude or decorated with refinement, they open up paths for our distant or interior wanderings.

    Sensitive portraits, bucolic or whimsical landscapes, seabeds, lyrical abstraction...

    Everything is here. Dishes of light and tradition, they nourish our imagination with meaning
    and feelings.


    “Claude and Slavik Palley express their vision of the world in their dishes: landscapes bursting with life, animals dressed in tenderness, silhouettes, still lifes and interior scenes captured in their intimacy. The fruit of joint work, here is an exceptional work made of patience and emotion, revolt and sensitivity.
    The art of creating beauty with almost nothing, the splendor of simple things in a dazzling light.”
    Robert Haby


    The “master” of the dish is Bernard Palissy who gave his name to the museum installed in his native hamlet. 500 years later, Geoffrey Luff happily takes up the techniques of the inventor of the “rustic figulines of the King” to deliver a personal work.

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  • The Saint-Avit Pottery Fair

    Created in 1985 under the high patronage of Bernard Palissy, the Pottery Fair of Saint-Avit has rapidly become one of the most important in South West France.

    Annually, on the second Sunday of the month of August, 40 ceramists, selected by a committee according to the quality of their work, offer their works to the public in the picturesque setting of the hamlet. The choice of exhibitors allows a large panorama of contemporary ceramic creations to be presented to the visitors.

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